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Geordie Shore MTV

Geordiegänget är tillbaka! Marnie Simpson planerar sitt drömbröllop, medan Charlotte Crosby, Holly Hagan och Sophie Kasaei träffas och pratar om graviditet, föräldraskap och nya pojkvänner. Sophie vill veta om hon är en av Marnies tärnor. The Geordie's are back! Marnie Simpson is getting married, Holly Hagan is pregnant, Charlotte Crosby is starting her motherhood journey, and Sophie's got a new boyfriend. Tv idag. After Marnie and Casey's wedding day, they decide to invite the entire Geordie Shore family on their honeymoon to Cyprus.. a family vacay where all kids, partners, and one or two nannas are invited along. The trip heats up quickly when friendships and loyalties are tested. After Chloe drunkenly voiced opinions about Charlotte at Marnie's wedding, there is friction in the air after Charlotte finds out. Tensions reach boiling point in Cyprus when the mess in the family villa becomes too much for Charlotte, leading to hers and Marnie's biggest fallout ever. The argument erupts within the villa and leaves one Geordie questioning whether to leave the holiday for good. Arriving back after the Geordie Moon, there's a leaving party for one Geordie, a baby shower for another, and some uncomfortable conversations following the Cyprus drama fallout. Producerat år 2023. Medverkande: Charlotte-Letitia Crosby, James Tindale, Gary 'Gaz' Beadle, Rebecca Walker, Greg Lake, Sophie Kasaei, Jason 'Jay' Gardner, Holly Hagan, Vicky Pattison, Ricci Guarnaccio.

Geordie Shore på MTV 01:45 - 02:35 torsdag, 2024-11-28.

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